Monday, January 3, 2011

a finisher.

Well, it's taken me all day to complete my organizational "tasks".  Good thing we live on the West Coast and have a while before midnight still.

The bowl full of lemons task for the day was to organize my desktop.  I don't really have a desk so have taken over the dining room table.  As you will be able to see in the pictures, I am not the only one to have taken over the table. . .

Looks funny I know and I'm sure you're asking what in the world?  Well here's your answer:
 Trouble! With a capital T!  Heidi Loo is everywhere these days and Eddy already had his game set up on the TV tray and was happily playing away when Trouble woke up from her nap.  Eddy headed to higher ground.
 Other items on said table:  games from New Year's Eve & Day, bags full of stocking goodies,
 SRA box, collection of Christmas items "someone" has "helped" me pick up,
 camera, laptop, random items that came out from under the cupboards, Christmas cards,
 bag of stuffed animals to be mended, bag of things to send to cousins, bag of material to sew skirt for a friend,
 box of things to send cousins, and oh isn't that enough?
 Here's the after pictures--look how nice and peaceful this table looks now.  We might actually sit here to eat dinner one night;-)
 The tablecloth and little vase are from my Grandma--Grammer.  She passed away two Thanksgivings ago.  Mom fairly recently finished going through her things and found this beautiful table cloth.  I have it on the table and am thinking about all the many happy times we spent around Grammer's table.  She loved to eat and to play games!

 My little work corner.
 With a neat little pile of "to do" things.  Maybe I'll get to those Christmas cards on Wednesday!
 Here's my to do list.  I'll write it in;-)

The Home Sanctuary task today was to write a homekeeping mission statement.  Here's what I came up with:

I want my home to be a place of peace and not clutter.  Not picture perfect but homey, comfy.  A place you can walk into after a long tiring day in the "world" and feel at home--surrounded by acceptance and calmness. 

I did not do the zone project for Flylady BUT did the baby step and the firedrill for today.  Curious?  Check them out here!

That's it.  I'm done.  Now off to bed with a home that is starting to once again be organized.  When I was single there was a spot for everything and everything in it's place.  With more people come more things and working full time really threw me for a loop.  When I was home there was so much to do it was overwhelming.  I just did the necessary things to survive:  dishes, laundry, food.  Unfortunately, my soul doesn't do well with chaos and clutter. 

It almost feels like I am starting to bReAthE again!


Amanda said...

awesome job! looks great

Anonymous said...

i lol'ed literally at your kiddo up on the table to keep away from his sister, im sure my brothers would have done something like that when i was a toddler.

great job tackling such a big job!