Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 10

Today's Lemon Task was to clean out the laundry room.  Our laundry room is also the entry room and kitty litter & food room.  We do not have a garage so things that are waiting to go to Goodwill are "stored" here.  I plan to drop off things tomorrow so the pile is rather large and and the after pictures will be shown here tomorrow after that trip.  I managed to get into the laundry room today and start cleaning--everything is wiped down and sparkling again--yea!!!!  Baby's laundry is done.  But then Baby got sick--on her birthday of all days--and I never made it back to the laundry room.  I'm going to get my pictures posted and then sleep myself because I don't know how many times I will be up tonight with a throwing up little girl. . .

Laundry room before:
staging area for trash & Goodwill
 baby's laundry basket

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